World Will Remain Turbulent And Shaky For Next 18-months, Predicts Eminent UP Astrologer

World Will Remain Turbulent And Shaky For Next 18-months, Predicts Eminent UP Astrologer

3 min read

Agra June 7 (TNA) “The Chief Justice of the universe, Saturn will keep stirring up the whole world till the end of 2022, so that all the people refrain from doing wrong deeds in this material world,”according to eminent astrologer Pramod Gautam, whose many prophesies in the past have come true.

The sooner the world returns to the course of righteousness and sanity, the better for mankind, otherwise the wrath of Shani Dev will deliver a devastating blow till balance is restored, Pramod Gautam, chairman of Vedic Sutram has warned.

Gautam said that the alarming rise in the number of Covid-19 cases and fatalities in India, was the result of evil configuration of stars. While analyzing the lagna (Time of birth) horoscope of present-day independent India on August 15, 1947, at midnight, New Delhi, Gautam said that according to the lunar horoscope of the Cancer sign of India from April 6, 2021 to September 19.

By 2021, “the auspicious effect of the very auspicious planet Jupiter (Devguru Brahaspati) planet of the universe has changed from the Cancer sign containing Pushya Nakshatra of present-day independent India during the transiting planetary planet from April 6, 2021, that is, the 8th house from the Cancer Moon sign of India in the planet Jupiter (Devguru Brahaspati).

That is, the horribly inauspicious sentiments of the horoscope have been seated in the sense of premature death from 6 April 2021 to 19 September 2021, but even after this, the planet Jupiter (Devguru, Brahaspati) again, again during the transitional movement from 19 November 2021.

But by 13 April 2022, the Cancer Sign of India will again be located in a very inauspicious sense, that is, the process of premature death is not going to stop in India so soon, especially in the country till 13 April 2022,” the astrologer further said.

Whether that arrogance is born out of high position, great wealth, knowledge, all these elements will be destroyed automatically when Saturn's period in the cosmic planet moves in the universe. And the person gets entangled in the maze of Saturn's punishment from all sides, and his intellect, conscience, knowledge, reputation all start getting tarnished, then in such a situation the person starts feeling helpless

Because of the planet Saturn supposed to dispense justice with a firm hand, and meting out punishment without distinction of class or stature, people will have to pay for their misdeeds, and no one can escape the ire of Shani.

The only way to pacify the planet Saturn is to return to sanity, restore the dignity of nature, protect rivers, forests and religious heritage, and observe the rules of divinity. This dangerous phase which will knock out all sinners of humanity and evil doers, will continue till end of 2022. This phase will see imbalance and distortion’s being corrected by the Chief Justice of the universe, Shani Dev.

Like India, the US has also suffered due to the Covid-19 virus, because of the Saturn planet. Pandit Pramod Gautam says Saturn has only one main purpose, to completely destroy the arrogance (Aham) from inside that person during the period of his punishment.

“Whether that arrogance is born out of high position, great wealth, knowledge, all these elements will be destroyed automatically when Saturn's period in the cosmic planet moves in the universe. And the person gets entangled in the maze of Saturn's punishment from all sides, and his intellect, conscience, knowledge, reputation all start getting tarnished, then in such a situation the person starts feeling helpless. People of his own faith and family also start cheating on him. Then the person contemplates himself in these adverse circumstances and automatically he starts realizing his wrong deeds, and after that surrenders himself completely to God, from here the destruction of the person's ego starts, his the renewal of action (karma) means that purification begins.”

Vedic Sutram Chairman Pandit Pramod Gautam told that at present, the planet Saturn in the universe has reached its own Capricorn sign for two and a half years from 24 January 2020 after 29 years during the transiting motion, almost till the end of the year 2022. After that Saturn (Shani Dev) will be sitting on his second own zodiac sign Aquarius sign for two and a half years.

Overall, it can be said that by the year 2025, Saturn (Shani Dev) will create a lot of stir in the whole world, from the punishment cycle of his present period, he will make a positive change in the internal thinking of individuals, we can also call it a new era change by the judicial cycle of Saturn.

The News Agency